Camp T-Shirt Design Contest

Have you ever thought of a cool design for a camp t-shirt?  We want that Artist inside to break free and have fun!  Imagine, Draw, & Color a Camp Esquagama T-Shirt on the form provided below!  Make sure to mail or email your creation to us by April 1st for your chance to win a $25 Cash Prize and have your shirt made into the 2018 Camp T-Shirt!

Click HereCamp T-Shirt Form


Camp T-Shirt Design Contest Rules

Be Creative & Have Fun,

April 1st Deadline for Submission

1 Entry Per Camper,

Include Camp Esquagama in writing on shirt,

Must Be Camp Appropriate,

Don’t Forget to Include Your Name,

Finally……….Have Fun & Be Creative!

Mail Entries to:

Camp Esquagama

4913 Pine Lane

Gilbert, MN 55741



Please be patient while we process your registration.